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January 27, 2012

What I Wore: Blazin'!

Forever 21 shirt, JC Penny blazer, Payless shoes, thrifted scarff, random jeans I've had since high school

Me hating the fact that I don't have more blazers!!!! Jaja :-D
I love blazers a little bit.

Translation: I love blazers A LOT!

Further Translation: Me gustan mucho las chaquetas!

I was trying to figure out why I wasn't smiling in the above pictures, and suddenly it hit me. It's so obvious! I was so bubbling forth with love and adoration for this new blazer my grandma got me for my birthday that, not wanting to look silly, I put on my best serious face and over-compensated a little bit.

I'm kidding. I have no idea why I'm so obviously peeved in today's outfit pics. My apologies.

In other news, I'm in Madrid today! Going to more free museums and otherwise spending zero money. Well, I guess I'll have to eat at some point, but no money besides that. Sadly, I shan't be taking photos. I might appear in some of my ladies' pictures on Facebook, but compulsive touristing is a habit I'm trying to break . . .

P.S. Yes, I totally just lol'd in Spanish up there in the caption^

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