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November 27, 2011

Peppermint Tea Smoothies

Well, today was bright and sunny and in the balmy upper fifties. A nice change from the blustery rain of Tuesday and Wednesday; however, all these weather changes continue to throw me for a loop. The minute I decide I'm ready for the Christmas season, bare trees, snow, and cold, a day like today rolls by and I heave a sigh of confusion.

Today, I present the perfect ode to that confusion--peppermint tea smoothies. You know? Smoothies--something sweet and cool you eat when it's warm. Peppermint--something sweet and cool you eat when it's cold! Kills two birds with one stone.

Peppermint Tea Smoothies

1 1/2 cup vanilla ice cream
2 cups brewed peppermint tea (frozen in ice cube tray)
3 tablespoons honey
candy canes for garnish

Blend all ingredients except candy canes. And enjoy your enigmatic winter-summer treat!

Substitute the peppermint tea for other favorite varieties of tea for many delicious and refreshing smoothies. Both green tea and Chai are two personal favorites. *sigh* Chai.

Oh, by the way, who do you think the three smoothies are for?

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